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5 Common causes of infertility in women

A condition is diagnosed as infertility when a heterosexual couple is unable to conceive after one year or more of unprotected sex. Infertility can be caused by multiple factors whether that be on the male side or female. Here we're discussing some of the major causes of female infertility in order to give you a better insight on the topic.


As a lot of us are aware, the fertility of a woman declines gradually over time with age. Age is becoming a more common factor in female infertility because numerous couples are staying to have children until their 30s or 40s. Women over age 35 have an advanced threat of having fertility issues.                    

Ovulation disorder

When the pituitary gland, which regulates the body’s hormones and menstrual cycle, isn't performing duly, it can lead to an ovulation complaint. Some women may have no ovulation or veritably irregular menstrual cycles due to a hormonal imbalance that can be caused by stress, a thyroid disorder, being overweight or underweight, and poor nutrition.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common condition that affects how a woman's ovaries work, it affects hormones, and causes irregular menstrual periods, excess hair growth, acne, and infertility.


Endometriosis is a common gynecological condition that affects a woman's regular menstrual cycle, this tissue builds up and is shed if she does not become pregnant. This leads to inflammation, swelling, and scarring of the normal tissue surrounding the endometriosis implants.

Obesity, Being underweight

Your weight matters when it comes to your fertility. Being overweight or underweight can make it harder to get pregnant. That's because excess or lack of fat can cause an imbalance in the reproductive hormones that make it possible for you to conceive during any given menstrual cycle.


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